Easy Roasted Okra chips

Ingredients: Okra / Bhindi 1 lb Olive oil 1 tsp Salt Black pepper 1/4tsp Method: Preheat the oven @420 F for 10 mins. Cut the stem and small cut in the middle of the okra (this step is optional).. Add olive oil.. immediately add salt and balck pepper.. Combine well.. Spread the  okra on baking sheet…..

Whole Bhindi Chips

Ingredients: Bhindi 1/2 lb Oil 1 tsp Salt Method: Wash, wipe Bhindi,  cut the edges and slit a little. Drizzle some salt and oil. Mix it properly Preheat the oven and at 370 bake them to until get a brown color. It may take around 45 mins. Crispy friend bhindi ready.